
Nicole Huesman | Jun 12, 2023
Growing up in a multicultural home—with a Mexican mother and Irish father—Chris Duffey has always had an affinity for the power that comes from connecting…

Open Metaverse Foundation | May 18, 2023
Fulfilling the vision and promise of an open Metaverse will require participation from developers, engineers, academics, thought leaders and others from around the world. Following…

Royal O'Brien | Mar 30, 2023
In January, we launched the Open Metaverse Foundation, home to an open, vendor-neutral community dedicated to creating open standards and software to support the open,…
Royal O'Brien | Mar 10, 2023
There is significant conversation and confusion around the term 'metaverse' and its relationship to 'Web3' practices like the use of blockchain technologies, cryptocurrencies, and non-fungible…